I’m glad it wasn’t one of your children. Thanks for the final ending laugh and I have no idea why but when you said goodbye at the end it made me cry. I’ll blame menopause for that I suppose!

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Yo, I cried too. 😹😭

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I appreciate you

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Those damn childhood trauma triggers lol. The podcast makes him seem like a close friend

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I appreciate you listening

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Thank you for the first podcast I heard at any rate ! I’m a big fan of yours on social

Media. I was having a really shitty day being sick and working from home. Your podcast today brightened by day a lot. It was awesome to hear the “real” guy. You are just a good guy. Take care of you and I cant wait to see you at funny bone in ct!

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I feared when this day would come.


This makes me so happy & sad at the same time... You truly deserve every success & all things good... and it's exciting to see your career skyrocketing to new heights! ✨️🚀Respectively, I'm really going to miss the podcast. Hoping it's like weight-loss (not goodbye, but see ya later).

Regardless, thanks for sharing so many great episodes. "Same Nachos" is my favorite. 🫰


Podcast Listener Michelle

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Cheers Mate!

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Noooooooo!!! We 400-500 devotees of your podcast will miss you. I've looked forward to and enjoyed every single episode. Thank you for breaking up with us gently, and I know we all are thrilled with your success and know that this is only the beginning for you. Many, many great things are ahead for you. I can't wait for your book and special to finally be released. Best wishes always to you and your family.

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Thank you Sharon

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😹 ... triggered by christian rock (I can relate).

Thank you for sharing this podcast for the time you have... no doubt it was to our benefit than yours... go forth in peace to do what yields the greatest benefit for your family, your well-being, and career... those who matter, understand.

We who appreciate you will continue to follow on your other media's.

Thanks for keeping your website up-to-date... that's where I go to stalk your scheduled locations... 😹

See ya 'round the circuit breakers!

🕊️ & ♡ to you and yours.

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Sorry to join this party so late, but good for me, lots of catching up to do, looking forward to it !

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